Just Country Folk...

One of my favorite magazines, published by Reiman, is COUNTRY MAGAZINE. Nearly every article is written by someone who lives in the country.
I love photographs of every kind, and the scenery in these magazines is sometimes breathtaking.
There is a section on BEDS AND BREAKFASTS, AND COUNTRY INNS, and people are encouraged to send in their recommendations, including photos if possible.
Well, I wrote to Country Magazine, and told them about Hale 'Aha, and sent in one or two photos.
Ruth got a call, asking if they could interview her. She couldn't imagine how country folk could come to a resort like Princeville. Or why they would want to come. (Maybe she expected "country bumpkins").
A few months later, we received four copies of the magazine, with a note attached, thanking us for our recommendation, and also please look at Page 40. There was the photo of Hale 'Aha and a short write-up by Ruth, describing their home, what to see and do on the island, and what they serve for breakfast. Oh yes, and the costs for each room.
When Bob and I were there that winter, we met Elton and Nancy who came from Arizona, and who stayed long enough to meet Herb and Ruth when they returned from their vacation in California. They really became friends. The others were Richard and Kenni from Illinois. When we discovered that the two couples were there because of the magazine article, we took several pictures of us together.
Over the next months, several more couples came as a result of reading about Hale 'Aha in Country Magazine.
Ruth was pleasantly surprised to find out that country folk enjoy the finer things in life just like city folk.
You set a pretty table :-)
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